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Official Announcement
To whom it may concern:
The G-TELP is an English testing program that is administered internationally. The G-TELP, General Tests of English Language Proficiency, has been administered worldwide since its inception in 1987.
The original G-TELP development team consisted of linguists, testing experts, and consultants from various universities in the USA, including San Diego State University, University of California Los Angeles, Georgetown University, and Lado International College. The International Testing Services Center (ITSC) was a division of the College of Extended Studies at San Diego University, San Diego, California, in 1987. It is a nonprofit organization which provides a number of language testing services to international organizations. The ITSC provides computerized scoring services for the G-TELP, as well as supervising the development of new test forms and monitoring test administration procedures.
G-TELP scoring and related services will continue to be provided through the ITSC G-TELP Services, which maintains a separate affiliation with the College of Extended Studies and San Diego State University. Though closely affiliated, ITSC and G-TELP operate as independent organizations. Accordingly, G-TELP Korea will modify its score report to more accurately communicate test scores to its current clients. G-TELP is a registered trademark of the ITSC Group.
May health, happiness, and good times greet you each and everyday.
Mr. Sok Ho Yun
President of G-TELP Korea
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